Call Scarab Water for wastewater treatment systems


How can we help you ?

It's great that you have reached this point, looking for more information on how we can help.

If you have any questions we haven't covered, please don't hesitate to ask. We believe that making informed decisions is crucial, especially in the environmental sector.

All our actions, like saving water, impact the planet, so it's vital to get things right the first time.

With over 40 years of personal experience in the water & wastewater field (which feels like a lifetime), I am confident that we can provide valuable insights and guidance. So, feel free to ask.

Are you a first time buyer?

A majority of our wastewater treatment plants go to first time buyers, who, should, theoretically, never purchase another system. However, if Scarab wasn't your first choice, it will be the lasting one.

Providers of Sustainable Sewage Solutions. Speak to us.

Dung Beetles - on site

Scarab Water on-site sanitation - for the off grid construction sites where we take care of your used water

Waste water - Our heart is in it

The heart of wastewater

The Team

The Scarab Water team 2023

Suppliers of the very best
Wastewater Treatment Systems &
Package plants.
Scarab® South Africa

Mobile - +27 82 441 9549
Email -
Web -

Steve Nicol - Director / Founder
Mobile - +27 82 441 9549
Email -
Web -

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