Septic tanks, soak-aways
and On-site domestic sewage treatment plants
Are you new to septic tanks and on-site domestic sewage treatment systems?
In today's lifestyle, many people are moving away from the city, looking for that quite cul-de-sac in an out-of-town leafy suburb where there appears to be some sanity in our surroundings. The relief from luxury city apartments, where downtown degradation has set in, vagrants are everywhere, and the all-night noise funnels its way directly into the 34th floor bedroom window - at 2 in the morning.
City water shortages and power blackouts offer little comfort to those flushing the toilet, stuck in the lift, and the security system battery is flat. Alternate supply of water and electricity may not be possible, and certainly not on the 34th floor penthouse.
City life is "for the birds". Pigeons to be exact.
Being out of town, the option of living off the grid is real. Solar power and borehole water are both quite possible. But, when you flush the loo, or start the dish washer, or even make a cup of coffee, do you really know that the wastewater goes somewhere? If you are connected to municipal sewerage service, you are fine.
Flush and forget.
If not, you will have to dispose of that sewage on your property, or else have the possibility your stinky, foul water ending up in the stream just off your boundary, or into someone else's borehole. Your own sewerage system has just become a necessity.
However, you would need to scratch through a myriad of the different treatment systems out there in the market, some may be ideal, which will offer you genuine peace of mind. Others are nothing more than expensive septic tanks, and you will only know which - soon after the lawn has grown back.
So, your new system should be simple electrical & mechanical designs, right?
The Stink Factor
When deciding what sewerage system would be great equipment for your garden / factory / office / estate, you would be excused if you felt you didn’t want to see it. Hide it, bury it, surround it with bushes, and this we understand. The common perception is that these things stink, and it’s a reminder of what we waste. It is not something we need to see every day - right?
Wrong! In today’s lifestyle, we have come to the reality that our waste has value, and particularly our domestic wastewater. Several Scarab clients have included our wastewater systems as features when selling their properties, and it certainly is an asset. New home owners need to know what they are buying, what liabilities are not identified at the point of signing up, and handing the keys.
And the stink factor – yes, this has some negative perceptions, as sewage does stink. But only when it’s sewage. Septic tanks stink, and this is why they have double seal lids. And anyway, all tanks should have lids.
Once your domestic wastewater reaches the treatment plant and is correctly aerated, (the aerobic stage) the smell stops, leaving an almost odourless condition - an earthy smell. Quite pleasant!
Repeat - when the raw stuff is open to the air, it will smell.
The large municipal systems WWTW (waste water treatment works) do smell, since they are primarily open sewers, and this technology is classified as “activated sludge”. Very few package plants are based on this type of treatment technology, since only a few households are prepared to have open sewers outside their kitchen, unlike the system at Intongazi.
This WWTW technology is best suited for large municipal flows from towns and cities, and they are often built out of town, on land which is unsuitable for further residential / commercial / industrial development. Furthermore, these installation are at the lowest point so as to offer the best benefits for gravity sewerage.
So, if your package plant stinks, it's not working.
The Right Size system
There is no real problem with over-sizing your septics and treatment plant, except for the initial costs. Under-sizing will create overloading, and the plant could fail. The bacteria will become fat, lazy and overfed. And pretty much useless, like politicians. If these underground tanks are undersized, they may need to be extended, to increase capacity (retention time). This would mean digging up the property, disrupting the flow whilst the sewerage system is live (i.e being used). This is a nightmare.
But, speak to us and we will give you your expected daily water use figures, and what you need to ensure the correct sized septics.
Water Assets, Waste Liabilities and gifts.
I would think not.
Some designs promote an underground installation, (which includes the septics), with neat plastic lids (inspection covers). One wonders what a lawnmower does to plastic thingies hiding in the grass. And when the 10-ton honey sucker - or even a 1 ton bakkie, arrives to de-sludge (this is a part of maintenance on all systems - even ours !) and fails to see plastic thingies covered near in the flower bed. If you going to spend the (un)reasonable fee for a sewerage system, you would want to see the darn thing, right? And should there ever be a problem, and it leaks, or something breaks, you won’t know. You will continue to believe your asset is safe, out of harms way, and saving water.
Meanwhile its leaking.
Serious repairs could require digging up your manicured lawn, removing the system, repairing and returning it back to operation. And in the meantime, the raw stuff is floating into the neighbour's property. It becomes a liability.
All water is an asset, particularly when you have already paid for it, so keep it in a safe place. Even when you haven't paid for it, as in rainwater, this is a gift. Just wondering how one manages rainwater harvesting, whilst living in the luxury city apartment.
Your move to the country suburb was a good choice.
Underground plastic tanks

Buried septic tank failures

Roto-moulded plastic
Do it once!
For some really sound advice, give us a call.
Buried Concrete domestic sewerage systems
The design incorporates a predigestion chambers, balancing, treatment (aeration) chamber, clarification and disinfection. Some even have a small pump-out compartment for irrigation. It is not surprising that these systems don't perform as they should. Each stage is terribly short in capacity, and not catered for an adequate retention period, or load balancing, and this shows in the performance. It takes time to process the waste, and this has not been considered in the design stage. Someone decided on a size, then got the engineers to fit it all in.
When these systems go in, they don’t ever come out. They don’t leak, implode, crack or float out the ground. But, they are a terrible design. Those 'down under' are not too concerned about water treatment quality.
“If it pretends to work, we pretend to care”.
Ironically, I paid for this one (below).
Concrete Systems

Home Sewerage system

Treatment plants - installation

South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) and the package plant industry
and it's not likely in the near future. And we will never tell people we are rated, just because it would not be truthful.
No package plant design is SABS rated.
SABS do not even have criteria for testing on site systems, and last time we checked, were not prepared to look in this direction. What they can do is offer a certificate for water quality, but that document expires 24 hours after the sample was taken. Since it takes about 7 days to complete the laboratory analysis, the report is invalid by the time it is issued. Somewhat pointless, agreed? Septic tanks, on the other hand have been tested, and many have the SABS nod.
It is understood that since the accreditation program is for profit, the clients would expect favourable results, and at a cost of up to A$75 000, not too many designs fail. At least with SABS, the perception of quality, and fit for purpose is the deciding factor.
However, anything above 21-man camp in Australia, does not require any quality tests, and the performance is monitored under the national EPA - Environmental Protection Agency. This means that one can install any big system without tests or pre-approval, and the EPA would be obliged to test the plant periodically.
When SABS decides to offer their quality certificate, we would probably be the first approval. We have already been tested by Talbot & Talbot, the old Durban Metro, (back in the pre-historic time when the early Neanderthals were running the council), and Umgeni Water, and been tested / approved / endorsed by all. We are quite used to being scrutinized with a jaundiced eye.
So, if there are no SABS approved plants, why do 93% of people believe there is?
Sewerage package plants - Made from steel
Some sewerage package plants are supplied using "beyond service life" shipping containers, and / or mild steel frameworks. Special coatings have been applied to already old metal parts, which is essential, and this anti-corrosive treatment offers oxidization (rust) protection – while in the factory. These systems, do, however leave the factory, travel maybe 5000 kilometers, by sea, then on dirt and dusty potholed tracks, through war zones, and flooded rivers to reach a remote mine-site deep in the African bush, where they get off loaded and reassembled using local inhabitants, without any damage to this coating? After 3 / 5 years, the treatment system is a rust bucket, and would require replacement – yet again.
Manhandling in the factory is pretty easy, but on the remote mine-site, crane-age is a must. The alternative - roto-moulded (plastic) tanks, are easily manhandled into position. And they don’t rust, ever. If protected from the sun, the plastic could easily outlive the mine, lodge, or camp.
Most above ground package plants are manufactured using the same plastic roto-moulded tanks, although there are a few fibre-glass designs The roto-plastic base-material is flexible, U-V stabilized, tough and does not oxidize easily. The plastic itself is resistant to chemicals, wastewater contaminants, and toxic / corrosive gasses. These tanks are easily welded, cut, and even shaped, often on site. We have repaired a few of our systems after damage occurred during delivery, and quite successfully.
Chat to us - For some really good advice.
Eco Cleaners

Ecofriendly Household Cleaners
Using environmentally friendly household cleaners will go a long way in ensuring the bio sewage system is kept in good shape.
Many supermarket shelves are stocked with cleaners and disinfectants that are based on chlorine ingredients. Overdosing is common since the horror thoughts of germs floating around the kitchen, bathroom and loo, making us sick, and particularly the toilet. Instead of pouring ¼ bottle of toilet duck every time the toilet is used, arm yourself with a can of air freshener. We mention these nasty household cleaners here.
Please contact us about our super gentle cleaners. We will deliver them countrywide - to your doorstep, via courier.
One last thing, our Eco Cleaners are also suited for other systems. This may not make them work any better, but at least they wont smell so bad.